
Part 1: This interview was filmed by Harry Daley and is printed here with kind permission. Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL January-February 2004 Conchita Gonzalez Keena, does not grant interviews today and this is understandable. What could she add, at this late date, to what she has already said? But what Conchita has…

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The Fifth Visionary of Garabandal Who Died of Joy

Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL INTERNATIONAL / October-December 2011 Fr. Luis Maria Andre Rodamilans, S.J., was the only person besides the four children to see the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal, and the only person to see, in advance, the Great Miracle which Our Lady promised will take place at Garabandal in the future ‘time…

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Joseph Lomangino: 1930-2014

Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL July-August 2014 On June 18,2014, the fifty-third anniversary of St. Michael’s first appearance at Garabandal and the forty-ninth of the second Message, Joey Lomangino, the blind man who for many years was the leading figure in the worldwide Garabandal apostolate, died from a heart attack at the age…

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Memoirs of a Spanish Country Priest

Recollections from approximately 200 Apparitions of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Michael the Archangel which I witnessed at San Sebastián de GarabandalN.B. At the request of the Holy See, this book in its first edition in the French language, was sent by the author in May, 1971, to the Archbishop of Oviedo to…

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Memoirs of a Spanish Country Priest

Inside account of the Garabandal Apparitions. Priest closest to the visionaries Father de la Riva was the priest in the early days of the apparitions who had the closest contact with the visionaries and their families. The four visionaries showed more affection and friendship for him than was shown to any one else. They all…

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by Harry Daley “This is a beautiful book.” —Mother Teresa of Calcutta The desire to write the true story of Garabandal came upon me very strongly three years ago. I was then engaged as a stunt coordinator for one of the worst Hitler stories ever told. The television movie, starring Vanessa Redgrave, was entitled Playing…

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Our Lady’s Kiss

The kissing of blessed objects began early in the apparitions and was considered vital by Our Lady of Mount Carmel at and was considered vital by Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Garabandal. She kissed rosaries, crucifixes, Garabandal. She kissed rosaries, crucifixes, medals, medals, and wedding rings. Missals were also among these wedding rings. Missals…

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UPDATED Church 2014

UPDATE: THE CHURCH’S POSITION ON GARABANDAL Reprinted with kind permission of Garabandal Journal. For many years, while never being condemned, the Garabandal events were under a dark cloud as some of the first bishops (but not all) opposed the events. But the tide started to change with Bishop Juan Antonio del Vat Gallo (1971-1991). While…

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Video The Eyewitnesses

Video: Garabandal – The Eyewitnesses “For sure I’m happy with this video-it’s wonderful … wonderful!” Bishop Antonio del Val Gallo – eyewitness and bishop in charge of Garabandal from 1971-1991. * Original footage of the four girls in ecstasy * Interview with Bishop del Val Gallo, who states the Church’s official view: “Garabandal condemned? No,…

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Voice Our Lady

Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURMAL / March-April 2015 FROM THE NOTEBOOKS OF FR. RAMON ANDREU: PART11 <h2>OUR LADY’S VOICE IS HEARD </h2> This will be last of Fr. Ramon’s notes of daily descriptions of the Garabandal events which he could not have continued because he was not always there. But the last entry…

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