Frequently Asked Questions
Books - The Message of Garabandal (in English)
NEW BOOK: GARABANDAL - Why Are They So Important Today? by Lawrence E.U. LeBlanc, Order from. or 96 Pages, Excellent book.
B01 The Apparitions of Garabandal by F. Sanchez Ventura y Pascual. Excellent account by an eyewitness of the events. Very good as a first book on the subject.
B02 Star on the Mountain by Fr. M. Laffineur. Account of the events from 1961 to 1967, by a witness. Much valuable information.
B03 O Children Listen to Me by Robert Francois. Shows how the teachings of the Church came alive and were acted out at Garabandal. Many marvelous episodes from the events.
B05 Our Lady Comes to Garabandal by Fr. Joseph Pelletier. Conchita's entire Diary and related documents with valuable commentary by Fr. Pelletier. The whole story up to August, 1971.
B07 Miracle at Garabandal by Harry Daley. Includes detailed accounts of the apparitions by Conchita herself, prophecy of the crisis in the Church, the great prophecies and the Padre Pio "connection" (real, not fable). The book received excellent reviews by Fr. Robert Fox and Malachi Martin.
These and other books and materials also available from:
- The National Garabandal Centre, P.O. Box 202, Fenny Hills, 4055 Australia: Email: [email protected]
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel “THE PINES” P.O. Box 11062, Dublin 18, IRELAND. E-mail: [email protected]
Books are not available from The Workers of Our Lady – Canada. Please order from one of the above Garabandal Centres
Garabandal is located in the north west of Spain about three hours drive from the French border town of Irun. It is an hour and fifteen minutes drive south of Santander (80.6 km), a substantial coastal city where the Bishop of the diocese resides. (See Michelin map 572 Regional Espana).Garabandal is located 15 miles inland from the Cantabrian coast some 35 miles (50 miles by car because of the winding roads) west by southwest of Santander. Santander is an important port and because of its beautiful, expansive beaches and temperate summer climate, a vacation favourite for Spaniards. It is 250 miles straight north of Madrid and 140 miles west of the nearest port of entry from France, Hendaye-Irun.
From Madrid it is a day drive. The shorter route to Garabandal is via Burgos, Corconte, Reinosa, Cabuerniga, Puentenansa and Cosio. The longer but better route is via Burgos, Vargas, Torrelavega, Cabezon de la Sal, Cabuerniga, Puentenansa and Cosio. Both routes are good. The road from Puentenansa to Cosio is undergoing major upgrading.
From Santander it is about an hour drive to Cosio. The freeway south is excellent. You take the turnoff at Pesues to Puentenansa and on to Garabandal, or you can turn off earlier to Cabezon de la Sal and travel the mountain route.
UPDATE: There is four-lane freeway now from the French border to just east of Cabezon. The road from Cabueriga to Puentenansa is now wider and better for a safer, easier and faster trip.
TAXIS: Available in all cities and even in the smaller villages. Ask anyone.
From Madrid, catch the RENFE train at Chamartin station to Santander (about five hours). Book first class for more comfortable seating. Hotel Chamartin (good accommodation) is next to the train station.
From Santander catch the FEVE train to Cabezon de la Sal. This train departs every hour from 6.15 am to 20.15 pm and takes about one hour at a cost of 2.50 Euros. Take a taxi to Garabandal, about a half hour drive at a cost of 40 Euros. If none available at the station, telephone Jose on 609 442210.
The airport, located 5 kilometres to the east of Santander city centre, has domestic flights connecting Santander with Barcelona and Madrid and Ryanair International flights from London Stansted, Rome-Ciampino and Frankfurt-Hahn.
NB As Ryanair is a low cost budget airline, it is important to be aware of their strict baggage regulations. Each passenger is allowed free of charge, one piece of cabin baggage weighing no more than 10 kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm. If your total baggage does not meet these guidelines, then refer to www.ryanair. com to check on their strict terms and conditions of travel for carrying your baggage in the aircraft hold.
Additionally, Bilbao Airport, situated about 110 kms from Santander, operates international flights to and from the main European capitals. There are buses and trains to and from Bilbao Airport to the city centre, where there is a coach service to Santander.
There is a permanent bus service which connects Santander airport with the city centre bus station every 30 minutes. The bus ticket costs approximately 1.6 Euros.
Buses stop at Irun to Galicia, Bilbao, Santander and San Vicente de la Barquera (near Pesues). Buses also leave from Madrid going to Santander. Buses leave from Cabezon connecting with trains from Santander and stops at Cosio just three miles from Garabandal. Check with bus company: Madrid - 91 745 63 00 , Santander: 942 22 53 18 or
Brittany Ferries, a French line, has the Plymouth, England, to Santander run. A 700 passenger, 170 car boat with cabins leaves Plymouth on certain days. Check with your travel agent or web site
Check out the FAQ Section on Hotel Accommodation in Garabandal. Sari's Hotel offers very good accommodation, great food, wine and bar facilities. Phone number is 34 (country code) 9 4272 7145. Miguel Angel Gonzales (the Village Mayor), also offers home style accommodation and meals. Phone number is 34 (country code) 9 4272 7113.
To call from outside Spain, for Telephone & Fax, you must dial: +34+(number)
Para llamar desde fuera de España, Teléfono y Fax, debe marcar: +34+(número)
Services and Membership
Garabandal Centres Worldwide exist exclusively to disseminate and promote the Message of Garabandal. The National Directors of each country are, therefore, prepared to show documentary films and videos of the Garabandal events upon request. We also hold prayer meetings and supply Garabandal materials (Click Here to Go to Garabandal Materials).For detailed information, contact your National Centre listed below:
Santiago Lanus
calle Avellaneda 648, 1642 San Isidro
Buenos Aires, Argentina
E-mail: [email protected]
Garabandal Australia Apostolate
P.O. Office Box 202, Fenny Hills
Brisbane, 4055, QLD, Australia
Phone: (07) 3354-1876
E-mail: [email protected]
Apostolado da Efusao do Espirito Santo
Rua Atilio Valentini, 760 Bairro Santa Monica, Uberlandia, Minas gerais
CEP 38408-214, Brazil
Contact: Marilda Ribeiro
E-mail: [email protected]
The Workers of Our Lady - Canada
P.O. Box 76607, 1661 Denison Street
Markham, ON. L3R 0N5, Canada
Contact: Dr. Michael and Helen Rozeluk
NEW: Main: 647-799-7715. Toronto Tel: 416-238-6375
E-mail: [email protected]
Czech Republic
Czech Garabandal Centre
Riegrova 14
289 22 Lysa nad Labem Czech Republic
Contact: Jan Smrcina OFC Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Dominican Republic
Homar Herrara R.
calle San Francisco de Macoris No 58
Sector Don Bosco, Edificio Peace, 4to Piso. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Contact: Homar Herrara R. Tel: (809) 689-8292
E-mail: [email protected]
Fiji Garabandal Center
P.O. Box 492, Nabua, Suva, Fiji
Contact: Gabiriele Siromi
E-mail:[email protected]
Hong Kong Garabandal Center
G.P.O. Box 137, Mui Wo - Lantau
Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Contact: L.E. Rivera
The National Garabandal Centre
11 "Prasanna" Nesbit Road Mazagon
Bombay 40010, India
Contact: Phoebe Doyle (Director)
E-mail: [email protected]
Indonesian Garabandal Center
J1. Gajahmungkur Seltan 7
Semarang - 50237
Contact: Augustinus Darmawan
Penang Garabandal Centre
12A Jalan Phillips
11600 Penang, Malaysia
Contact: Tony Lee
Phone: (604) 828-5379
E-mail: [email protected]
Centru Garabandal Centre "Maiolica"
22-24 Triq Louis Scicluna
Fgura, Pla 13, Malta
Contact: Carmel Agius
E-mail: [email protected]
Garabandal Centrum Nederland J.P. Gouverneurlaan 43, 2171 ES Sassenheim, Nederlands
Contact: Mr. W.J. Langveld (Chairman)
E-mail: [email protected]
New Zealand Garabandal Center
P.O. Box 385, Owera 1461, New Zealand
Contact: Peter Segedin
Phone: (64) 9-426-5551
St. Michael's Garabandal Centre,
Middletown Co. Armagh BT60 4JF
Northern Ireland
Contact: Desmond Monahan
E-mail: [email protected]
Patagonia Garabandal Center
Gral Juan Lavalie 705, (8504) Carmen De Patagones
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Contact: Jorge Y. Belen Mazzeo. Tel: 0054-2920-461376
E-mail: [email protected].
P.N.G Garabandal Center
P.O. Box 219, Konedobu, PNG
Contact: Joanofarc Fernandez
E-mail: [email protected]
Philippines Garabandal Centre
56 Matahimik Street, Teachers Village
Quezon City, Philippines
Contact: Peter I. Galace / Luz G. Lopez
Tel. (63-2) 433 9343
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Rul Costa "Porta de Fe", Rua 12, no. 593
4500-227 Espinho, Portugal
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Inna and Bill Gould
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Rafael Jardon Mendez
El Espin s/n, Navia 33710, Asturias
Espana (Spain)
E-mail: [email protected]
St. Michael’s Garabandal Center
889 Palo Verde Ave., Pasadena CA 91104, U.S.A.
Contact: Maria Saraco
Tel: 626-798-3033
E-mail: [email protected] / Website:
Garabandal Journal
The Message of Our Lady in Garabandal
GARABANDAL JOURNAL. NOTE: As of 2022 the Editor-in-Chief is Dick Kodet. A new bimonthly magazine devoted to the events of Garabandal by the former managing editor of Garabandal Magazine (which was discontinued) for 20 years. See e-mail below for ordering directly:
P.O. Box 1796 St. Cloud, Minnesota, 56302-1796, USA. No phone number listed. Order by e-mail or postal letter only.
Subscription rates: US: one year, $18; two years, $34; Three years, $50. CANADA AND MEXICO: one year, $20; two years, $38; three years, $56. ALL OTHER COUNTRIES (airmail): one year $30; two years, $58; three years, $86. Individual copies: $3. ($5 foreign).
NOTE: Some limited copies available of the INAUGURAL ISSUE for $2 postage and handling in the US and Canada, and $4 (US) for all other countries.
E-mail:[email protected]
Order your magazines from:
U.S. and International:
PO Box 1796
ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1796
This magazine is being especially dedicated to the four Seers of Garabandal: Conchita, Mari-Loli, Jacinta, and Mari Cruz. It is also dedicated to Joey Lomangino in recognition and appreciation of his devotion to Garabandal and to the movement, which he, by and large, initiated under most difficult circumstances.
For all we know, these developments, sanctioned from up above, may be the prelude to significant developments within the movement and in accordance with the Garabandal prophecies since the very next prophecy will be the Warning. We need your support more than ever. Let us stand together.
The National Garabandal Centre
P.O. Box 202, Ferny Hills, Qld, 4055, Australia. Website:
NOTE: Magazines NOT available from this web site or Workers of Our Lady.
EFFECRTIVE SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2023: Prayer Service Every Sunday at 5pm at Marian Shrine of Gratitude 3100 Weston Rd. Toronto, Ontario. After the Rosary, Dr. Michael Rozeluk will make available his medal of Our Lady of Garabandal for veneration and prayers. ALSO ROSARY every day at 8pm. Everyone welcome.
JANUARY 8, 2024: Small reliquary medals containing a piece of missal kissed by Our Lady NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
DONATION (PAYPAL) Button on bottom of web pages. Donations over $25.00 will receive a tax deduction receipt. God Bless you. This supply will be gone very quickly. No more are available. No orders accepted by phone or e-mail. Please provide your address with donation order. See Main Page for further details.
Please send to:
Workers of Our Lady, P.O. Box 76607, 1661 Denison St., Markham, ON Canada. L3R 0N5
Lodging in Garabandal
Alojamientos en Garabandal
* Posada Amalia.
Tel. & Fax: 942 72 70 65
* Hotel Garabandal
Tel.: 942 72 71 40 or 942 72 70 04
Fax.: 942 72 71 45
* Posada La Luz.
Tel. & Fax: 942 72 71 48
* Posada Nuestra Señora Del Carmen. Casa Lucía.
Tel. & Fax: 942 72 71 60
* Posada San Miguel.
Tel.: 942 72 71 13 Fax: 942 72 71 68
* Hotel Serafín.
Tel.: 942 72 70 95 or 924 72 71 71
To call from outside Spain, for Telephone & Fax, you must dial: +34+(number)
Para llamar desde fuera de España, Teléfono y Fax, debe marcar: +34+(número)
- Calleja, where St. Michael first appeared on June 18, 1961.
- Site of the apple tree.
- Meson Serafin, the inn run by Conchita's brother, Serafin, and his wife, Paquita.
- Conchita's house.
- Site of the Miracle of the Visible Host, July 18, 1962.
- Mari Loli's house during the time of the events.
- Jacinta's house during the time of the events.
- Plaza.
- Mari Cruz's house during the time of the events.
- Church of San Sebastian.
- Site of the school the visionaries attended (presently Los Pinos bar).
- Cemetery.
Map compliments of Beville Outlaw and Vic Macha.
Meeting or Conference
Can I arrange a meeting or conference about Garabandal?
Dr. Michael and Helen Rozeluk will be glad to present a Garabandal documentary video and speak before your group or parish. Please send your request by e-mail to:, or send a letter to the address below. The Rozeluks will then get in touch with you to arrange scheduling of your event.
P.O. Box 76607,
1661 Denison St.,
Markham, Ontario,
L3R 0N5
Miracle Date
Date of the Miracle in Garabandal
Only Conchita knows the date of the Miracle in Garabandal. People have been speculating about the date for many years. There have been several times when thousands of pilgrims have come to Garabandal on a certain date, believing that the Miracle was on that day. But that is NOT what Our Lady wants from us. She specifically told Conchita to reveal the date only 8 days in advance. She did this for a reason. That is because it is more important to follow Her messages and live the lives Our Lord wants us to live: prayer, penance, frequent confession, daily Mass and Holy Communion, daily rosary, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, prayer for priests, wearing the scapular, etc. Whether the Warning and Miracle happen today or tomorrow should not be a concern. If Our Lord wants you to be in Garabandal for the Miracle, you will be there. In the meantime, it's best to concentrate on doing what He wants us to do and trying to be what He wants us to be.
More than 270,000 viewers have seen Garabandal - Only God Knows in various parts of the world. Now shown in over 30 countries worldwide.
(1) January 2023: FREE on You TUBE NOW Now available in many languages: English, Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese, Croatian, Hungarian, Brazilian, Dutch, Japanese, Russian and Ukrainian. Garabandal, Only God Knows". can been seen free at: ALSO AVAILABLE ON DVD in Spanish and English. (See below) For more information call: 407-864-8916 or see contact below.
The movie Garabandal – Only God Knows, reminds us os what She asked of us, how She wants us to live, and to trust in Her intercession. She will obtain from Her Son everything we need to live both Him and Her with a renewed heart. He wishes establish His kingdom in every heart through His blessed Mother. The movie defers the final word to the Church as to what occurred there.
(2) On June 13, 2020 at 11am (EST), Fr. Jose Luis Saavedra's talk on "Garabandal and Priesthood" at Mater Spei YouTube channel. Fr. Saavadra is the author of the first doctoral thesis in the history of the Church on the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal. He is one of the key speakers in "Garabandal, Uncontainable Cascade" new movie. See at at 11am EST.
(3) ON July 2, 2020, only at 1:00pm EST, "Garabandal, Uncontainable Cascade" new movie will be available free of charge on: or
You can purchase the DVD in Spanish with English subtitles or if you only want English it is available in a dubbed version. TO ORDER DVD:
By mail: Lumen Entertainment, P.O. BOX 24374, Jackson Ville, FL, 32241, USA
COST for DVD: $14.95 US plus $9.00 for mailing in US for total of $23.95 US.
See if in your city at:
*****UPDATED NEWS. Please check often. Thank you and God Bless you. *****
(1) Help Save the Marian Shrine of Gratitude!
For almost 20 years this Shrine has been a place of worship for people of all faiths, and answered prayers. It has been visited by thousands of people day and night. It has been started and maintained by ordinary faithful people who gather to pray for their needs, the needs of others and peace in the world. But now developers want to tear it down and build a condo here.
Help us keep this shrine alive by signing this petition, telling others about this place and letting church and political leaders hear your voices.
UPGENT: Your support is urgently needed. Please sign and help us reach at least 25,000 signatures. PETITION:
The Legislative Assembly of Ontario only accepts original hand-signed petitions or letters. Digital petitions are not accepted. To add your voice to this important issue, please print, fill out, sign and return this petition to Tom Rakocevic, MPP:
ADDRESS: The Office of Tom Rakocevic, MPP Humber River-Black Creek, 2300 Finch Ave. W., Unit 38, North York, ON, M9M 2Y3.
September 6, 2023- the day we will never forget. The councilors unanimously approved the beginning of the process to designate the Marian Shrine of Gratitude and the Rivermede House heritage status in today's city council meeting.
The information below is from Dr. Gary Miedema of the Toronto Preservations Services Department who gave us the permission to distribute to our networks. It details the steps involved in properly designating the site as heritage status:
Step 1. The motion today requested staff to prioritize the evaluation of 3100 Weston Road. That’s the very beginning of our process. COMPLETED
Step 2. Next, staff will research and evaluate the property to determine if the property at 3100 Weston Road merits designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. The nomination package dated August 28, 2020 will give staff a very good head start here.
Step 3. If the property is determined to merit designation, a report will be drafted to recommend its designation to Toronto City Council. That report will define the heritage features (or attributes) of the property.
Step 4. That report will go to the Toronto Preservation Board, which will provide its advice to City Council.
Step 5. After the Toronto Preservation Board, the report will go to Planning and Housing Committee
Step 6. From Planning and Housing Committee, the report will go to City Council
Step 7. If the Council approves the designation, the designation can still be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, which will make a final decision on the matter.
None of the above involves the Province of Ontario. The process requested by MPP Rakocevic is a separate provincial process.
Video: Garabandal - The Eyewitnesses

Bishop Antonio del Val Gallo - eyewitness and bishop in charge of Garabandal from 1971-1991.
* Original footage of the four girls in ecstasy
* Interview with Bishop del Val Gallo, who states the Church's official view: "Garabandal condemned? No, that word has never been used."
* Available for any video system in the world.
* 72 minutes, in color and black-and-white.
* Available in more than 30 languages, including: Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian (Bahasa), Iranian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Sinhalese, Slovenian, Slavic, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Tongan, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese; also for the hearing impaired.
Video is $25.00 U.S., payable to "Michael Tubberty".
Order through:
St. Michael's Garabandal Center
889 Palo Verde Avenue
Pasadena, California 91104-4020 USA
tel./fax: (626) 798-3033
IMPORTANT: Please specify language and shipping address when ordering.
The Village Church (pictures)
The village church of Garabandal 35 years ago. | ![]() |
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In the latter part of 1988, Joey Lomangino, received a request from Garabandal village pastor, Father Juan Gonzalez, for funds to finance the installation of a new floor in the church and to reinforce buttressed at the rear of the structure. The repairs were made possible by the generosity of many people and this is how the church appears today. |
Additional buttresses were needed to support the rear wall of the church. | ![]() |
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Inside the courtyard one sees the two new doors, a new roof over the portico and new support columns. |
One thing did not change -- the tabernacle in the village church of Garabandal with its beautiful symbol of the pelican feeding its young with its own blood symbolizing the Holy Eucharist where Christ feeds His own with His body and blood. | ![]() |
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The new floor is made of wood at the center and inlaid stone at the sides. The wood is a special hardwood imported from Africa. |
The sanctary has a new altar and new stone floor. | ![]() |
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The view from the balcony at the rear of the church. |
New stonework graces the portico and the entire courtyard. Concrete planters have also been added. | ![]() |
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The new gate serves as a reminder to those passing through it that they are on holy ground. It also keeps young children from playing in the courtyard and disturbing people inside the church who are trying to pray. |

View of the Pines seen from the belfry of the village church in Garabandal.