Ukraine 2004 Video Text

ENGLISH SUBTITLES FORUKRAINE 2004 GARABANDAL MISSION TRIP Throughout the entire 2000 year long history of Christianity, the Lord, reveals His Fatherly mercy in a way that is comprehensible to man, in order to protect the world, to preserve life in it, to multiply Love and Trust between nations. Therefore, everyone who is born from above…

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Voice Recovered (Ana Maria Aragon)

Recovering Her Voice Excerpted from LOS MILAGROS O FAVORES DE NUESTRA MADRE DE GARABANDAL by Maria Josefa Villa de Gallego. Translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano. On December 8, 1979, after a severe cold, I lost my voice, which became a chronic problem. I saw several doctors all to no avail. I felt like…

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Mary’s Medal and Promise Kept (Kevin Sharpe)

MARY’S MEDAL And Her Promise Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL International October-December 2004By Kevin Sharpe Mary promised at Garabandal She would perform many prodigies through the Garabandla medals we have at our disposal. When Our Blessed Mother appeared at Garabandal, she promised that through the use of the medal containing a piece of Mary…

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