The first lines of Conchita’s Diary written in her own hand.
The children at the spot of the calleja where St. Michael stood for the first time.
Conchita’s drawing: the four girls picking apples. The teacher’s apple tree at the entrance of the calleja. This is where it all began…
The Pines at the very top of the steep calleja.
The Archangel as the visionaries saw him. And Conchita’s sketch of the scene of the first apparition. The Angel appeared to the children, wearing a blue tunic, with dark eyes and hair, a matte complexion, and “wings that looked as if they were made of fire.” He appeared to be abut nine years old but ‘very strong.’
Doña Serafina Gómez González.
On Wednesday June 21, 1961, the girls saw a frame of fire: a fire that forms a frame inside of which there is a triangle, an eye and a notice. Letters also are written unknown, in an Eastern or Arabic style, as it were…” The translation was incomprehensible to the girls but it is: “Yahweh”
Father Marichalar was to witness five to six hundred ecstasies.
Father Marichalar was also the first priest to witness the extraordinary phenomena occurring at San Sebastian de Garabandal.
Father Marichalar interrogates the visionaries.
Fr Don Valentin Marichalar, pastor of Cosio, on the road to Cosio.
Brigadier Juan Alvarez Seco, staff sergeant of the Guardia Civil, in charge of maintaining order at Garabandal during the period of the apparitions.
Mari-Cruz in ecstasy, surrounded by the Civil Guard.