Picture History of Garabandal Apparitions #8
On the Feast of the Sacred Heart in Spain, June 2, 1962, Jacinta saw Christ as depicted on the card made from her instructions. Jacinta instructed the artist that Jesus’ hair was “in and out” and not straight down as in other illustrations.
In addition, on June 22, 1962, Conchita learned that a miracle would soon be granted “so that people might believe.” This is the famous “Milagrucu” an answer granted by the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel to the urgent wish of the visionaries who, since 1961, were begging, on the suggestion of the church authorities for a “visible sign for the world.”
From that day on Conchita began to spread the news of the “Milagrucu” and saying: “People will see the Host, that the Angel will give me, appearing on my tongue.”
Wednesday, July 18-19, 1962: The “MILAGRUCU”
Conchita a few moments before receiving Holy Communion. The Host, visible and and as if it were alive, on Conchita’s tongue. Exact spot marked on photograph.
The “Milagrucu,” in other words, the “little miracle”: is how Conchita described the wonder that was to and did take place. For the visionary, the fact that the consecrated Hosts, usually given to her by the Angel and most of the time before a large crowd, were invisible, was much more astonishing!
On the morning of the events, Conchita, inadvertently, had already received Communion from the hands of a priest in the village church. Thus the “Milagrucu” occurred not on July 18, the date originally predicted, but rather in the night of July 18 to 19.
This sign was brought about to help people believe, and to confirm the supernatural authenticity of the “Garabandal events.”
In the middle of the street, suddenly Conchita fell in ecstasy on her knees in a puddle of water … to receive the Host from St. Michael’s hand. It was about 1:40 a.m….. July 19, 1962.
“La forma! La forma! La forma!”, shouted the crowd when Conchita held out her tongue and, suddenly, in a split second, appearing like lightening, the Host was deposited there. It was white, the same as the Hosts, commonly used, but slightly thicker. It remained visible on Conchita’s tongue for almost two minutes. (Read More, also The Little Miracle)

We owe the film of the “Milagrucu” to Alejandro Damians, an engineer from Barcelona. He used his amateur camera with the sole light of a full moon and a few flashbulbs. Read ‘how the film was made.’
Dr. Jean Caux was on the premises on the night of the “Milagrucu” but, unfortunately, he was unable to film anything for lack of flash bulbs. All through his stays in the village from 1961 to 1965, Dr. Jean-Baptiste Caux shot some of the most beautiful films ever about Garabandal. Dr. Caux was an aesthetician surgeon in Paris, who was touched by the unparalleled grace of the girls in ecstasy. See below the exact spot where the “Milagrucu” had occurred. In the photograph on the right below, one year later, Conchita stands on the exact spot where the “Milagrucu” had occurred.
Conchita with Alejandro Damians who took the photograph with borrowed camera. Exact spot pointed out by witness. One year later, Conchita is standing on the exact spot of the “Milagrucu.”
On August 6, 1962, while Conchita was praying at the Pines, three Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God arrived from the Instituto Psiquiatro de Montragón and took these photographs:
Conchita about to receive Holy Communion from the Angel (St. Michael) Brother Juan Bosco Ramos wth Conchita and then Conchita presents the scapular of one of the three Brothers to the Archangel St. Michael.
The visions stopped for Mari-Cruz on September 12, 1962. Mari-Cruz suffered a great deal from this … to such an extent that she would come to deny that she had ever seen anything supernatural at San Sebastian de Garabandal.

Mari-Cruz on the left (behind Conchita) becomes a simple observer of her companions in ecstasy. Conchita liked her so much and said that she was the kindest of the four visionaries, and that her doubts would be dispelled after the Aviso and the great Miracle.

Monday September 16, 1962, was a day to remember for its spiritual teaching … The ecstasy of this Monday led Mari-Loli and Conchita to Alfonso’s place, the one who was nicknamed, rather unkindly, “the village’s fool.” Having made the sign of the cross over his pillow and offered him there crucifix to kiss, the two visionaries explained the reasons for their gestures: “The Blessed Virgin told us, ‘You hold him in contempt, but I love him’“.
In September 1962, the visionaries also said that Our Lady mentioned the evil of communism that was to spread more and more throughout the world and also the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council which was to open two weeks later. (See more in Apparitions Page of web site.)
On the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Conhita had a magnificent ecstasy running through the village, while singing the rosary for more than one hour. According to Conchita: “the rosary is a very important part of the Message of Our Lady at Garabandal.”
On October 8, 1962, two visionaries learned of the coming of the future great Miracle that would prove the authenticity of the Messages and the “events” occurring at San Sebastian de Garabandal.
In November, 1962, the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal confirmed to Conchita that the Shroud of Turin: “is the divine imprint of my Son” without the visionary having questioned the Vision about this or even knowing what the expression “Sabana Santa” (Shroud of Turin) meant.
The Future Great Miracle
On Sunday November 18, 1962, the Blessed Virgin informed Conchita that “the Council and the great Miracle would help to convert the whole world.” and that “the divided Churches will again become ONE … on the very day of the Miracle!”
- Conchita is the only one who knows the date (other than the pope).
- Conchita will reveal the date 8 days in advance.
- It will be on a Thursday evening, between the 8th and 16th, at 8:30 p.m. (Spanish time).
- It will happen between the months of March, April and May.
- It will be on a Feast Day of a young Martyr of the Eucharist.
- The Martyr will not be Spanish.
- It will coincide with a great event in the Church, but will not be a feast day of the Our Lord or a Marian feast day.
- It will be visible to all in the village of Garabandal, and the surrounding mountains. The sick, who are present will be cured and the incredulous will believe. It will be the greatest miracle that Jesus will have performed for the world. There won’t be the slightest doubt the it comes from God.
- It can be photographed, seen, but not touched.
- It will last for about 15 minutes and a supernatural and permanent sign of the Miracle will remain forever.
Future Warning:
Mari-Loli was told the very year of the future Warning and that “the Aviso will come less than a year before the great Miracle.” (Read more in “The Apparitions Section” of our web site.
The ecstasies ended for the visionaries. Conchita had some sporadic ecstasies later.
Read more in the “Apparitions” Section of web site.
NEXT: Picture History of Garabandal Apparitions #9 (Joey Lomangino)