Picture History of Garabandal Apparitions #9
Joey Lomangino:

February, 1963 marked the first visit at San Sebastian de Garabandal of Joey Lomangino. He came as Padre Pio confirmed to him that “Yes, it is true, the Blessed Virgin is appearing at Garabandal.”
Joey Lomangino was born on June 27, 1931 in Brooklyn, N.Y., USA. In 1947, while he was trying to change a flat tire, the tire rim blew off and forcefully struck him in the face crushing the bones of his forehead, and severely damaging the optic and olfactory nerves. For three weeks he was in a coma at the hospital. On the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (July 16th), he woke up. However, because of the accident, he was permanently blind.
In 1961, Joey Lomangino travelled to Italy and met Padre Pio for the first time at the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo. Although they had never met, the famous Capuchin greeted Joey with these words: “Ah, Joey, how happy I am to see you!”
In February 1963, Joey made another trip to Europe where he went back to visit Padre Pio, who heard his confession and … miraculously restored the use of his sense of smell … while the nerve still remains severed! Evidently, Padre Pio, said: “I can’t give him (Joey) sight for his eyes, but I can give him sight for his soul.” As Padre Pio blessed Joey, Joey threw his arms up and plunged backwards to protect himself from, what he thought in his darkness, was an explosion. Actually it was a scent of roses. But as Joey had no sense of smell for so long, that the sensation suggested an explosion to him. Suddenly Padre Pio was next to him and said: “Joey, don’t be afraid. … a little patience, a little courage and you’re going to be alright.” Joey then not only recovered his Christian Faith, but Padre Pio would encourage him to go to Garabandal after saying: “”Yes, it is true, the Blessed Virgin is appearing at Garabandal.”
Joey kneeling, is blessed by Padre Pio. Joey receives Holy Communion from Padre Pio. Joey at San Giovanni Rotondo to see Padre Pio. Joey Lomangino arrives in the village of Garabandal in a cart travelling along a mule track, being the only road leading to the village at the time. Joey quickly became friends with Conchita and the visionaries and visited more than 35 times.
When he went back to the United States, Joey began giving slide-talk presentations on Garabandal and Padre Pio. (See more details in web site www.ourlady.ca/apparitions) Throughout the years, Joey’s Garabandal Apostolate and magazine reached thousands of people throughout the world. To this day, Joey has been the most famous promoter of the Garabandal apparitions outside the village.

Our Lady said: “Through the kiss I bestow on these objects (She kissed rosaries, crucifixes, medals, wedding rings, and missals), my Son will perform prodigies – distribute them to others.”
Conchita gave a medal kissed by Our Lady in Garabandal to Joey which Joey used at his conferences and through which many people were healed as Our Lady had promised. In addition, Joey arranged for many smaller medals with a piece of a missal that Our Lady kissed in Garabandal to be distributed. Even now, over 50 years later, some small medals with the priceless missal and kiss of Our Lady are still available. (SEE BELOW TO ORDER)
Sadly, Joey Lomangino died June 18, 2014, on the anniversary of St. Michael’s first apparition in Garabandal. However, Joey’s work continues to this very day. May he rest in peace knowing that he has helped us all. READ MORE: about Joey Lomangino.

NOTE: JUNE 14, 2021: A limited number of small reliquary medals containing a piece of missal kissed by Our Lady is still available. ONLY ONE ITEM per order, please. Workers of Our Lady request a donation of $10 or more by check, Money order or PAYPAL ( see Button on bottom of any page of this website). Donations over $25.00 will receive a tax deduction receipt. God Bless you. This supply will be gone very quickly. No more are available. No orders accepted by phone or e-mail. Please send mail orders ,to: Workers of Our Lady, P.O. Box 76607, 1661 Denison St., Markham, ON Canada. L3R 0N5
Many stories of healings through the use of this “Kissed Medal” can be found in various web sites devoted to Garabandal, and on this web site: www.ourlady.ca/Recent Graces/ or www.garabandal.ca.
NEXT: Picture History of Garabandal Apparitions #10 (SOON)