Conversion of Miguel Angel
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL July-August 2004
Excerpted from LOS MILAGROS O FAVORES DE NUESTRA MADRE DE GARABANDAL and translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano
My name is Miguel Angel Muela and I live in Santander. I want to establish my identity and give testimony of something very important to me, since it changed my life, for which I thank God.
I belong to a family of workers. My father was a farmer while my mother looked after the house and took care of my brothers and me. When it came to the Faith, our home was divided: my mother was religious, but my father was an unbeliever who referred to God and His saints with words of rude irreverence.
My mother used to go up to San Sebastian of Garabandal and would talk about the apparitions of the Virgin, something that disgusted me no end, but she kept on doing it to see if it would have a positive effect on me. But she was mistaken; talk of the Virgin repulsed me and did more harm than good.
From my youth I was a blasphemer who never went to church. My behavior was so bad that it caused my mother great anxiety. When I left the house, they never knew when I would return. But even as I continued with my depraved life, which became worse from one day to the next, Our Lady had plans for me.
My older brother Manuel’s life was not exactly virtuous either, but through the intercession of this same Virgin he ended up in a seminary and today is an exemplary young priest who keeps influencing my new life. It was as a result of his going to Garabandal that my life changed.
One day, I went up to Garabandal out of curiosity to see what was going on there. I heard a Mass in Latin and then got angry with my parents saying: “Listen, I only came up here to have something to eat.”

The conversion of Miguel Angel Muela began at the Pines in Garabandal.
After spending some time in the village, we went up to the Pines. Later, as we were coming down, I became lost in thought, not knowing why. I didn’t dwell on it, but I had noticed something in the Pines without knowing what it was.
My curiosity brought me back to the village and the same thing happened again. I was aware of something inside me I had never felt before but I couldn’t explain it — this feeling that was growing inside of me. inside me I had never felt before but I couldn’t explain it — this feeling that was growing inside of me.
When my brother left for the seminary, I reacted badly. I didn’t want to know anything about priests, and our relationship strained. He had a lot of religious pictures and material in the house and I thought to myself: “One of these days I’m going to burn all that stuff.” And I almost did. I rebelled against whatever was happening to me interiorly.
But God can write straight on crooked lines. As I climbed up to Garabandal one more time, I began to feel great remorse for my past life; the Virgin had already begun to work wonders in me. It’s impossible for me to explain all that I felt, but it affected a great change in me. I am totally convinced of a supernatural intervention and that it was the Blessed Virgin of Garabandal who intervened.
Later, when a friend and I visited the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Latas in Somo, the parish priest helped me take the first steps of my conversion. I departed from the corrupt world in which I was living and changed my life.
I began by abandoning the alcohol and drugs that gave me such a distorted, grandiose image of life, but as I can see now, were leading down the road to perdition. Now I am truly happy and my family and I have spread the word about Garabandal among our friends.
I must say that each time I climb to Garabandal I experience an incomprehensible feeling of peace and happiness that I can’t feel anywhere else no matter how hard I try.
Signed: Miguel Angel Muele,
July 2-3,1988
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL July-August 2004
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