Mary’s Medal and Promise Kept (Kevin Sharpe)
MARY’S MEDAL And Her Promise
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL International October-December 2004
By Kevin Sharpe
Mary promised at Garabandal She would perform many prodigies through the Garabandla medals we have at our disposal.

When Our Blessed Mother appeared at Garabandal, she promised that through the use of the medal containing a piece of Mary Loli’s Prayer Book which she kissed during the apparitions, her son, Jesus Christ, would perform many prodigies. We thought that we would like to remind our friends of this very special relic we have at our disposal and prompt them to use it with faith on their sick friends and neighbours. We mention a couple of stories but hear many more wonderful answers to prayer and faith with the use of the Reliquary Medal.
On 14th August, 1982 at 8am, I received a call from Sydney that my father had had a massive heart attack and was dying in St Joseph’s Hospital, Auburn. My sister told me to be ready to stay at home for a few days for his funeral etc. My brother in law had already booked a flight for me from Brisbane to Sydney so I was on my way within the hour with Our Blessed Mother’s kissed medal pressed to my heart. I asked her to keep my father alive until I could see him.
When I arrived at the hospital my brother and sisters had left his room and were down in the cafeteria. The sister told me that Dad had virtually died but let me into the room. I placed the medal on Dad and a scapular around his arm and proceeded to say the Rosary. He answered with me and when we had completed it together Dad said that he felt his death was imminent. Almost immediately Dad had another heart attack and died. Dad had attended and served at Mass, receiving Holy Communion daily. In a very special way Our Blessed Mother let me know he was in Heaven the next day, 15th August, the feast of Her glorious Assumption into Heaven.
In 1983 I received word from my sister in Sydney that my mother (who was 71) had been hit by a car on her way to morning Mass. She had brain damage as well as breaks in her arms and was not expected to live through the night. On my arrival at the hospital, the doctor told me that a third of Mum’s brain was dead and if she did live she would be a complete vegetable. I placed the medal on Mum and on and off between falling asleep and waking prayed the Rosary all night and the next day asking Our Blessed Mother to ask Her Son, Jesus, to take Mum to Heaven so that she wouldn’t have to just exist in a comatose state. My sisters were currently withdrawing money and arranging funeral details as if she were already dead.
On the second day after returning to the hospital after morning Mass, I suddenly realised my lack of faith in Our Blessed Mother’s promise. I had been praying for what I considered was best instead of healing. I placed the medal on Mum again and started praying the Rosary, this time for healing. I must have dosed off whilst praying and awoke to find my mother touching my head and her eyes open asking about Veronica and the children. Mum recovered completely. The doctors had no answer for the normal functioning of her body with one third of her brain still dead. Mum lived another seven years with great devotion to Our Blessed Mother until peacefully, Our Lord granted her eternal life on 10th June 1990.
In November 2000, a friend from Sydney wrote to Veronica and myself asking for prayers. We have known Jo Anne all her life, she was born with spina bifida and not expected to live past her first birthday. She is now in her forties and has spent a lot of her life having operations. Jo told us that she had just had a tumour removed which measured 15cm by 15cm and the results showed that it was malignant. She was hesitant to allow doctors to commence chemotherapy as she did not wish to have her one kidney damaged through the treatment. We sent her a reliquary medal and asked her to position it on the affected area and to join us in praying for complete healing. We also offered Jo Anne and her condition to Our Lord at the consecration during our daily Mass asking that He would wash her cancer away with His precious blood. After further examination seven days later, no trace of cancer was found, doctors again have no explanation.
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL International October-December 2004
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