Healing of a Lay Professor (Andre Ought)
Healing of a Lay Professor
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL March-April 2006
Excerpted from LOS MILAGROS O FAVORES DE NUESTRA MADRE DE GARABANDAL by Maria Josefa Villa de Gallego. Translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano.
Letter to an abbot in which Andre Ooghe describes the healing of an unbelieving woman professor
Dear Father,

This is about a woman approximately 26 years old who more than a year ago was severely injured in a car accident where she sustained a fracture of the arm that did not heal, with constant purulent drainage. This kept her in the hospital with an IV running. Her father was devastated by her condition and confided his troubles to me.
Aware of the father’s intense faith, I gave him a relic kissed by Our Lady of Garabandal on a cord from Padre Pio. The young woman, a professor at the institute, made fun of her father and his “fairy tales,” but her brother, also a professor at the institute, managed to talk her into taking the relic: “Take it; what’s there to lose?” Twelve days later she left the hospital completely healed. The doctors were amazed at her recovery.
Eight days later the father and daughter came to see me to tell me what had happened. Deo Gracias. Alleluia.
This woman professor has asked me for information about the Garabandal apparitions.
With love and fidelity to Our Lady of Carmen of Garabandal,
Andre Ooghe
Calais, France 1971
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL March-April 2006
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