Editor: Barry Hanratty
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL / May-June 2021

We have the Sacred Heart for the cover of this issue, only the second time in more than 100 Issues. Since June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus this was a good time for It. Of the Garabandal seers, Jacinta was the only one who saw the vision of the Sacred Heart (in Garabandal) and she said that of all the visions she had, this was the most spectacular one.
Each seer—except Mari Cruz—had something that the others did not have. Jacinta had the vision of the Sacred Heart, Loli received a “great joy” when she received holy Communion, and Conchita received a number of things: the second Message of Our Lady from St. Michael, learning the date of the Miracle (also from St. Michael) which she will reveal eight days before. She also in 1965 was told by Our Lady about abortion and that if it doesn’t stop, it will be a cause of the Chastisement.
Mari Cruz had less visions than the others and her mother had a lot to do with that. Not the best of believers, she did not like her daughter going out for the visions especially at night. Since Our Lady told the girls to obey their parents before Her, Mari Cruz stayed home when the others went out. But there was one thing about Mari Cruz—she was said to have been more charitable than the others. An example of that is on page 6.
All the seers knew about the Tribulation, Warning, Miracle and Chastisement, but I would like to single out the Warning since everyone will experience it. The tribulation (communist aggression), Miracle (Fatima), Chastisement (the Deluge) have happened before but the Warning never.
Conchita said that only the Chastisement would be worse than the Warning and not everyone is going to survive it. How do we prepare for it? During the apparitions someone asked the seers to ask Our Lady what she wants Spaniards to do to amend their lives. Her response was to go to confession and Communion.
To be in the state of grace would be the best condition.
Editor: Barry Hanratty
Garabandal Journal is published six times a year to make known the events and messages relative to the appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel to four girls in the mountain hamlet of San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain from 1961 to 1965.
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