Picture History of Garabandal Apparitions #7
Prayers for the deceased every day:

Sustained by prayer, the Communion of Saints links the world of the living with that of the deceased in the one Church of God. This profound dimension of Christian faith was lived intensely in Garabandal where the villagers prayed for the deceased every day. A “bell ringer” went through the village every day to call the villagers to prayers for the deceased.
During the apparitions, the Blessed Virgin Mary led the girls and villagers who followed to the gates of the cemetery, where, in ecstasy, the visionaries pushed their arms through the bars and held out their crucifix as if they were presenting it to be kissed by dozens of invisible people.
Saturday November 18, 1961, The pastor, Don Valentin, of Garabandal, was forced to “take a holiday.” This was pressed by the “Special Commission” and was meant to keep the pastor away from his village for almost two months.
Our Lady led Conchita throughout the village to visit the sick of the village and Conchita offered her crucifix to be kissed by them. The Blessed Virgin often encouraged the visionaries to be interested in the sick and led them while in ecstasy to the homes of the ill. Several healings were obtained through the intermediary objects kissed by Our Lady.
January 13, 1962, Padre Don Valentin, is no longer “on holiday,” and he goes back to San Sebastian de Garabandal to celebrate Mass there.
The church authorities decide that they did not want the visionaries coming into the church while they were in ecstasy. While in ecstasy, the vision, Our Lady then led them up to the church door but not side. The vision still proceeded outside the church doors. (see photos below)

Starting on January 19, 1962, Jacinta was to be deprived of visions for one month for having disobeyed her father. Her father felt that his daughter, Jacinta, needed her sleep, and did not awaken her at the appointed time for her rendezvous with the Blessed Virgin. On waking, Jacinta blamed him sharply for this and, in spite of her father’s disapproval, she had gone to the calleja in the middle of the wintry night to wait for Our Lady who …. did not come. Jacinta was once again punished later for a similar behaviour.

LETTER FROM Padre Pio (Saturday March 3, 1962):

On the “first Saturday” of March 1962, Conchita received a letter addressed to the four visionaries in the village. In came from Blessed Padre Pio as the Vision and others would later confirm and addressed to: “Blessed girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal!” …. “I am sending you a copy of the rosary of Fatima that the Blessed Virgin asked me to send to you. This rosary was dictated by the Blessed Virgin and must be made known for the salvation of sinners and for the preservation of humanity from the worst chastisements God is threatening to send us. …. People do not believe you: they do not believe in your conversations with the Blessed Virgin….”
“People will believe when it will be very, very late.”
As soon as she received this letter, Conchita sweat Padre Pio a personal letter, with “a secret message from the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel and addressed to him.” Additional information about Padre Pio’s involvement in Garabandal is included later.
Father José Silva had just gone up to the village for the first time. He was dressed in lay clothes so that he would be unrecognized as a priest. He received an unexpected surprise when the girls spoke to him and said: “The Blessed Virgin wishes a happy birthday to Padre José. The unexpected happened every day.

On Monday June 18, 1962, the Archangel St. Michael appeared to the children at the very site of the calleja, where one year earlier, he had stood fo the first time. Here Mari-Loli and Jacinta again had the visions of the ordeals of the Pre-Aviso, but also the revelation of the future Aviso and even a preview pf the conditional Chastisement. Conchita was also informed about the Warning.
In the fall of 1962, the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel, also revealed to Mari-Loli both the year of the Aviso and the lapse of time (“less than one year”) between the future extraordinary “event” and the day of the great Miracle.
On the “second night of screams” (June 19, 1962), the visions of the girls were even more terrifying and almost exclusively on the conditional Chastisement but is inevitable. After this the world will go back to its wayward ways. (See more in “The Apparitions” of web site.)
The witnesses were kept at some distance and they could hear the visionaries screaming and crying. This ecstasy lasted from 10:30 p.m . to 2:00 a.m.. All visionaries and villagers remained praying at the cuadro until 6:00a.m. …until they could go and receive the sacrament of Penance, attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion.
NEXT: The “Milagrucu”. (The Little Miracle) #8
Picture History of Garabandal Apparitions #8, #9