Vertigo Healing (Fr. Felipe Lamadrid)
Healing of Father Felipe Lamadrid, Pastor of Potes
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL May-June 2004
Translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano
I used to suffer from dizziness and vertigo because of an ear problem as diagnosed by Dr. Eutiquiano Recio. For 45 months, I suffered two or three times a week from the malady (but never during Mass), and I would have to sit down for one hour before the problem would go away.
I’ve been going up to Garabandal since 1988. Prior to that, I had not gone up due to a restiriction imposed by the Bishops. But when Bishop Juan Antonio del Val, lifted the restriction, I began to go. At that time, I was not yet suffering from vertigo.

On October thirteenth, an important Fatima date, I went to Garabandal as I consider Garabandal a continuation of Fatima. I go there once a month to say Mass and hear confessions.
That same afternoon, during the Stations of the Cross, I had the conviction that t he Virgin was going to give me a great grace. The following week, I told Dr. Recio that since going there, I hadn’t suffered any more dizziness. The week after that I repeated the same story, but told him that we would continue to wait and see what happens. After the third week, I told him, “I’m cured!” It’s been five years now and in spite of my age, the vertigo has never come back.
From that day until now, thanks be to God and the Holy Virgin, I have never suffered from the dizziness that interfered with my priestly duties and made it difficult for me to go from one place to another.
Signed: Father Felipe Lamadrid