Four Progidies in Barcelona
Prodigies in Barcelona
The Blessed Virgin always has had her share of devotees in Barcelona so the following anecdotes of favors received there should come as no surprise.
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL March-April 2006
Excerpted from Los MILAGROS o FAVORES DE NUESTRA MADRE DE GARABANDAL, by Maria Josefa Villa de Gallego Translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano
To begin, I’m going to relate an event that occurred here in Barcelona on February 11, 1969, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Our dear friend, A.R., whose name I’m not authorized to reveal, visited a family very devoted to the Virgin to talk about themes related to Our Lady (we should all do this more often). He was thinking of staying half an hour, but ended up staying two hours. Our friend had to leave in a hurry to be on time for the torchlight procession being celebrated in the cathedral in honor of the Virgin of Lourdes. As he was on his way down the stairs, an intense, most pleasant fragrance of roses invaded the living room where the family was sitting. It was an agreeable surprise to all. After some time the fragrance faded but the emotions: happiness, tears, and thanksgiving to heaven were then renewed when that celestial fragrance returned stronger than the first time. Their son who was not very interested in Garabandal suddenly said, “I want to go to Garabandal.” His friend, who also happened to be there, said, “Me too.” He picked up a religious card of Our Lady of Garabandal, kissed it, put it in his pocket saying, “And now I’m going to confession.”

With the objects kissed by the Virgin at Garabandal, happenings have occurred that could be labeled miraculous, reminding us of what the Virgin told Conchita: “By means of the kiss that I give to these objects, my Son will perform prodigies. Give them to others.”(see FAQ: Medal)
In 1966, Mrs. M. P. was called to give an injection to young Jose Luis, then two years old. He suffered from a bladder infection caused by an obstruction in the urinary tract and high fever. Because of his tender years doctors did not want to operate on him but instead, treated him with high doses of antibiotics that were not having any effect. The child grew weaker. When the nurse went to give him the injection, she saw that his temperature was 40 degrees Celsius, (104 Fahrenhiet) and put a by the Virgin of Garabandal in the bed. The crisis was over. Repeated tests showed a complete cure, to the amazement of all the doctors.

On November 16, 1968, baby Javier Jauregui, 40 days old, came down with encephalitis. He was taken to the Teknon clinic, where treatment was begun under the care of Dr. Brotons. After five days all hope was lost. Someone put a relic kissed by Our Lady of Garabandal in his crib under his body. In a very short time, to the astonishment of all, he was completely healed. We will only mention two of the many cases that took place in St. Joseph’s Clinic in the Punxet of Barcelona, because they were cured almost instantaneously when touched with a medal kissed by Our Lady of Garabandal. One was Dr. Carulla, from Sabadell, with severe hepatitis, and the other was Mr. Arguello from Valladolid, suffering from a kidney hemorrhage.
In September 1968, in the Provenza Clinic, Matilde Boleda, 35 years old and a professor from the Manresa Institute, was going to be operated on for a hernia. The surgery was almost over when the anesthesiologist told Dr. Castellvi: “She’s dying; her heart is failing.” The surgery was quickly finished, and oxygen and intravenous medication were administered, but she didn’t regain consciousness. They worked on her all day to no avail; the last rites were administered and they began to discuss how to get her home so she could die there.
At 10 P.M., when the shift changed, nurse Maria Dolores Mana came in. She always had with her a rosary kissed by Our Lady at Garabandal. This rosary had the special distinction of having floated in the air when the Virgin took it from one of the girls’ hands to kiss it.
After asking permission from the family, the nurse put the rosary in the hands of the patient, who was in a coma, but a few moments after the rosary was placed in her hands, she sat up and said: “What’s going on? What am I doing here?” The doctors were speechless. They kept her eight more days in the clinic for observation, even though she was asymptomatic. Then she went home completely cured.
A sister of the patient had been away from the sacraments for many years, but returned to them in the same clinic to thank God and Our Lady for this favor. Happy are those who believe without seeing, and who truly love our Mother in heaven who loves us so much.
Signed: U. A. M.
Barcelona, 1969
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL March-April 2006
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