Cancer Cure in Uruguay
Cancer Cure in Uruguay
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL November – December 2004
Excerpted from Los MILAGROS o FAVORES DE NUESTRA MADRE DE GARABANDAL, by Maria Josefa Villa de Gallego. Translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano.
I’m a teacher specializing in preschoolers and have taught in many of the schools in Montevideo. I began my career in 1955 in a kindergarten for children of very poor families. One of my colleagues in this work was Monica Rodriguez y Gomez. We worked together for five years before she was transferred to another school and I lost touch with her.
One Saturday morning in September, 1971, I met a mutual friend who gave me the startling news that Monica was suffering from cancer with a prognosis that she didn’t have long to live. I went to see her and brought a holy card of Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal.
Her sister-in-law greeted me at the door and updated me on her condition before taking me in to see her. Monica had suffered a hemorrhage the previous day and passed out due to the loss of blood. The doctor gave her two months and said she would die a very painful death.

Monica was a believer but not very pious. In the old days when we worked together I had talked her into returning to the sacraments, which she had been away from for many years, but later on she again abandoned the practice of her faith.
When I saw her, I lovingly reminded her of her spiritual obligations and told her that I had brought a holy card of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, who appeared in a Spanish pueblo and was responsible for numerous miracles and cures.
We fervently prayed together one Our Father and a number of Hail Marys. When it came time for me to leave, I told her to put the Garabandal holy card on her abdomen, where the cancer was located. As I was leaving, her family told me the doctor had said her condition was critical.
A week later I called to find out how she was doing, and they told me she had not had any more hemorrhages. When I called the following week, I was told that her color had improved, and a week after that, she began gaining weight.
By Christmas she called me herself saying that Dr. Laborgne, the top authority in oncology, had pronounced her cured and considered it inexplicable. Today, Monica lives with her son and family in one of those numerous spas of our country.
I would like to add that I attribute to Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal, invoked as Proctoress of Uruguay, the grace of having saved our country from the terrorism that was rampant from the 1960s to 1973 when we endured strikes, street barricades, protest marches, rock-throwing, kidnapping, crime, cruel subversion, etc.
The Catholics of Uruguay prayed rosaries, did penance, held night vigils, attended Masses, and made novenas; and our heavenly Mother kept the promise she made to Lucia of Fatima: “There is no problem: family, social, economic or political, that the rosary united with sacrifice, cannot resolve.”
Signed: Mirian Rivas Micoud
Montevideo, July 14, 1997
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL November -December 2004
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