Arm Cure (Paquita Peña)
Paquita Peña’s Experience
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL July-August 2005
Excerpted from Los MILAGROS o FAVORES DE NUESTRA MADRE DE GARABANDAL by Maria Josefa Villa de Gallego Translated from Spanish by Dr. Edward Serrano
For months I suffered from a very painful right forearm from the elbow down to the wrist. It was especially noticeable at night and made it impossible for me to find a comfortable position to rest as the pain was always there.
I noticed my right hand was losing strength and to grasp objects I had to use both hands. It got to the point where I couldn’t bend my arm to reach my back or bend it from the shoulder or bend my arm directly backwards. I couldn’t knit, write or use the scissors without pain. People I spoke to about it said it was rheumatism, but no one offered any solution. Finally I decided to see a doctor as soon as I had some free time.
On May 13, 1995, I went with a group to Garabandal. It was a special day consecrated to the Virgin of Fatima due to her appearance in Portugal. We started to say the rosary. At the fifth glorious mystery the sun came out and as I felt warm I decided to take off my jacket. What a surprise! There was no pain in my arm and I could make all kinds of movements that before were totally impossible. Ever since my arm has not hurt during the day or night for the last six years. Is this a miracle? I don’t know. All I know is that before it was very painful and now I don’t feel any pain at all. And the pain stopped right then and there in Garabandal when I was praying the rosary to Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal in that blessed village where the most Holy Virgin appeared.

At the moment this happened, the furthest thing from my mind was a cure. I was thinking instead of what a joy it was be there and to pray in that place of such peace and tranquility! That’s when the sun came out and I took off my jacket.
I must say that I went to Garabandal somewhat afraid that I was disobeying the Church, since it had not yet been approved. I already believed in the Virgin of Garabandal and prayed the rosary every day, but now after having received this special grace I believe even more and I see the great need to pray to the Virgin for the salvation of the world.
I have returned many times to Garabandal to thank Our Lady, and to join with all the others who go there to pray with great faith and to give thanks for all the miracles, favors and graces received or simply to thank her for having appeared in that peaceful place.
I have spoken with many people from Spain and other countries and they all feel the same as I do. In addition to the healing of every kind of illness, there are many conversions to the true faith, as at other Marian places.
It saddens me to see that with this marvel right in our own backyard, we prefer to waste out time rather than go to Garabandal to receive the graces that God pours out so abundantly through the hands of his most holt Mother.
– Paquita Peña, Santander
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL July-August 2005